Ihor Prykhodko, Yanina Matsehora, Nataliya Kryvokon, Konstantin Hunbin, Oleksandr Kovalchuk, Nataliia Antusheva, Lesia Filonenko (2023). Image of a Junior Officer in Military Personnel Participating in Combat Operations with Symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Romanian Journal of Military Medicine March 5, 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.55453/rjmm.2023.126.3.8

Abstract. According to the results of the conducted study there were distinguished the peculiarities of perception of the image of a junior officer by servicemen who participated in hostilities and had various PTSD symptoms. The study included 233 male servicemen with combat experience. The age of the participants varied from 20 to 55 years. It was determined that the image perception of the direct commander by the servicemen who did not have any PTSD symptoms had been influenced by both the key features of the modern way of fighting and the way a protective mechanism of consciousness acted, which gave the possibility to maintain mental health under combat conditions. These servicemen considered the awareness, kindness, and physical strength of their commander to be not important. The first stage was occupied by his/her ability to adequately fulfill his/her leadership function and the power of his/her spirit – the courage and love of the Motherland, which formed his/her reliability. Servicemen who had PTSD symptoms were less satisfied with the role of a junior officer and considered him/her to be less capable of meeting their expectations. They were less interested in commanders who could involve them in situations that required quick, brave action and complete responsibility for the entrusted part of common affairs. The most important factors in the structure of the direct commander image in both studied groups were the power of personality (the ability of self-regulation); however, the servicemen with PTSD symptoms had a specific orientation of these factors – to help their subordinates. They were quite selfishly aimed at using their direct commanders as a way of getting help. 
Keywords: leader, serviceman, service and combat activity, combat experience, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychological recover

Antusheva, Lesia Filonenko (2023). Manifestations of post-traumatic stress in military personnel after participating in hostilities in the Russian-Ukrainian war European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 21(4):776-784 DOI: 10.15584/ejcem.2023.4.19

Introduction and aim. Since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, many Ukrainian military personnel began to show post-traumatic stress (PTS). The purpose of the article is to identify the features of PTS exhibited in different age groups in trauma-exposed military personnel during their participation in the psychological recovery program ("Invincibility Program").
Material and methods. Ukrainian Defense Forces military personnel (n=546 males, between 20 and 60 years of age) participated in this study. All participants were divided into three age groups. Determination of the features of PTS in military personnel was carried out using psychodiagnostic tests.
Results. In each age group, more than half of the participants in the "Invincibility Program" had PTS characteristics such as the sub-threshold or clinical manifestations of PTSD, adjustment disorders, low resilience to combat mental trauma, and various sleep disorders combined with somatic complaints. The data showed higher features of PTS in the younger participants and they decreased in both the 2 older sets of participants. 
Conclusion. The age-related features of the manifestation of PTS in military personnel must be taken into account when developing psychological recovery programs: for younger participants, such events should be carried out longer and more intensively.
Keywords: hostilities, military personnel, post-traumatic stress

Шановні колеги!

У  американському виданні Routledge Taylor and Francis Group у журналі "The Journal of Slavic Military Studies" було видано колективну статтю: "Servicemens Motivation in the National Guard of Ukraine: Transformation After the "Revolution of Dignity". "МОТИВАЦІЯ ВІЙСЬКОВОСЛУЖБОВЦІВ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ ГВАРДІЇ УКРАЇНИ: ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЯ ПІСЛЯ «РЕВОЛЮЦІЇ ГІДНОСТІ"
Короткий зміст статті. Для визначення мотивації військовослужбовців Національної гвардії України, які безпосередньо приймають участь у «гібрідній війні» Росії проти України протягом 5 років, було розроблено два опитувальника, використовувався t-критерій Стьюдента та кластерний аналіз, математична обробка даних здійснювалася за допомогою програми SPSS 17.0. Емпіричне дослідження дозволило выділити чотири основних типа мотивації військовослужбовців до професійної діяльності: несформований, професійний, компенсаторний, психотравмований. Для військовослужбовців важливими є мотиви професійної гідності військової служби, самовдосконалення, професійної відповідальності. Доведено, що офіцери більш мотивовані, ніж військовослужбовці-контрактники. Більш детально дивись за посиланням на безкоштовний перегляд статті (потрібно обовязково скачати):
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